The Toyota Museum is a museum where you can learn about the history and technology of Toyota automobiles. The permanent exhibition showcases the history of Toyota automobiles, their products, and the evolution of automobiles. At the entrance on the first floor, there is a replica of Toyota's first production passenger car, the "Toyoda AA Passenger Car" (1936), which was displayed to coincide with the museum's opening in April 1989, as well as reliefs of the Kariya Plant at the time of its construction. On the second floor, the dawn of automobiles and the birth of Japanese cars are introduced through exhibits such as the first gasoline-powered automobile made in Germany, the Benz Patent Motorwagen. On the third floor, "Advances and Diversification in Motorization" is divided into five zones to showcase and introduce the evolution and challenges of automobiles around the world from the 1950s to the present day.