The Kikuchi Family's Curved House in Denshoen is said to be the oldest of the southern curved houses, built around 1750. This building was designated as an important cultural property of the country in 1976, recognizing its historical value and rarity. Various exhibits and activities are held at the Kikuchi Family's Curved House to convey the culture and life of Tono. Furniture and folk tools from the past are on display, allowing you to catch a glimpse of what life was like in Tono. In addition, events such as "Old Tales Around the Hearth" where you can reserve a spot, silkworm breeding, and the reproduction of traditional events are also held, allowing you to experience Tono's traditions and customs. The Kikuchi Family's Curved House is an important facility for preserving and passing down Tono's history and culture. The building itself is a sight to see, allowing you to feel the traces of the time when the people of Tono and horses lived together. When you visit, we recommend that you take an interest in history and culture and visit this valuable building, which is said to be worth seeing.