Anabuki Temple (Asuka-dera) is Japan's first full-fledged temple, completed in 596 AD during the reign of Empress Suiko. The main attraction is the copper statue of Shakyamuni Buddha, a national treasure and the oldest Buddha statue in Japan, also known as the Asuka Daibutsu. The Asuka Daibutsu is said to have been completed in 609 AD. Although it was damaged in a fire during the Kamakura period, some parts, such as the area around the eyes and the three fingers in the center of the right hand, remain in their original state. Unfortunately, most of its appearance is said to be the work of later generations, which is why the Asuka Daibutsu, despite being the oldest Buddha statue in Japan, cannot be designated as a national treasure. However, the characteristics of Asuka sculpture are still clearly visible, and the features of Asuka are strongly expressed even in the details. Please come and meet the Asuka Daibutsu, which has been enshrined in this place for over 1400 years.