Takato Soba

Takato Soba

Takato Soba can be said to be a representative of Nanbu Aizu gourmet. Soba grown in Nanbu Aizu has a high aroma and excellent texture. Even in soba shops in Tokyo, Nanbu Aizu-produced soba flour is highly regarded, and some people come all the way to buy it. Enjoy the rich flavor of Nanbu Aizu's high-quality soba.

Takato Soba can be said to be a representative of Nanbu Aizu gourmet. Soba grown in Nanbu Aizu has a high aroma and excellent texture. Even in soba shops in Tokyo, Nanbu Aizu-produced soba flour is highly regarded, and some people come all the way to buy it. Enjoy the rich flavor of Nanbu Aizu's high-quality soba.

Cities where Takato Soba is delicious