

"Nukadaki" is a preserved food of blue fish such as sardines and mackerel cooked with nukamiso, a mixture of rice bran and miso, in nukadoko, a bed of rice bran used for pickling. In addition to chili peppers and kelp, sansho pepper is added to nukadoko, giving it a characteristic spicy taste. It is a recommended local cuisine that is also a healthy food, as it allows you to take in the abundant nutrients of nukadoko and blue fish at once.

"Nukadaki" is a preserved food of blue fish such as sardines and mackerel cooked with nukamiso, a mixture of rice bran and miso, in nukadoko, a bed of rice bran used for pickling. In addition to chili peppers and kelp, sansho pepper is added to nukadoko, giving it a characteristic spicy taste. It is a recommended local cuisine that is also a healthy food, as it allows you to take in the abundant nutrients of nukadoko and blue fish at once.

Cities where Nukadaki is delicious